Artificial intelligence (AI) has been a game-changer in many industries, including the art world. With the help of AI, artists can create unique and visually stunning pieces that they are then able to sell. Additionally, entrepreneurs can leverage AI to create products or services that can generate passive income. Here are 8 ways to make passive income with AI now:

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1. Create and Sell Coloring Books with Midjourney and sell on Amazon kdp

You can use AI generated images to create, print and sell coloring books on platforms like Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing, which can be very lucrative. I was able to replace my full-time job selling coloring books on KDP. Check out the step-by-step guide to creating and selling coloring books and publish your first coloring book today.

Image created in Midjourney

2. AI-generated Art

With the help of AI, artists can create unique and visually stunning pieces that can be sold as digital art or canvas prints. You can sell these pieces on various online platforms such as AI Art Shop or online marketplaces like Etsy. Learn the steps you need to sell AI-generated art today.

Image created in Midjourney

3. AI-generated Print-On-Demand (POD) products

With the help of POD platforms like Printify, entrepreneurs can create and sell customized products such as mugs, phone cases, and home décor. You can even use the same AI-generated art mentioned above to put on these products. This is a great way to maximise your effort.

Image created in Midjourney

4. AI-powered Products

Entrepreneurs can leverage AI to create products that can generate passive income. These products can include anything from chatbots and virtual assistants to smart home devices and wearables. By creating and selling these products, you can earn a passive income through royalties or recurring revenue streams.

Image created in Midjourney

5. AI-generated Music

AI-generated music is becoming increasingly popular, as it can create unique and personalized tracks. These tracks can be sold as digital downloads or license them for use in film, television, and video games.

6. AI-generated Writing

AI-generated writing is also a growing field, as it can create unique and personalized content such as blog posts, scripts, product descriptions, or persuasive copy for ads. Programs like ChatGPT are becoming a popular way to pump out content fast. However, you really want to check the tone (you don’t want your content to sound robotic) and the facts that these programs produce.

7. AI-generated Stock Images

AI algorithms can be used to generate unique and visually stunning images that can be used as stock images for websites, blogs, and other digital platforms. Holiday stock images can be very profitable! You can sell these images as digital downloads, prints, or license them for use in advertising or editorial content on sites like Adobe Stock.

Image created by Midjourney

8. AI-generated Fashion

Lastly, AI algorithms can be used to generate destinctive clothing designs and patterns, which create one-of-a-kind fashion items. These items can be sold online using services like Printify or in physical stores. People love showing off their style with unique clothing choices, so get yours out there and make a killing!

Image created in Midjourney

It’s important to note that earning passive income through AI art or products requires a certain level of knowledge and resources. However, with the right approach and dedication, anyone can leverage the power of AI to create unique and valuable pieces and start earning passive income now.

In conclusion, AI is not just a futuristic technology, it is here to stay and can be utilized in various ways to create unique art and products that can generate passive income. The key to success is staying informed and continuously learning about the latest developments in the field. By staying ahead of the curve, anyone can take advantage of the many opportunities presented by AI to make passive income and achieve financial freedom.

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