AI Coloring Book Generator: 11 Easy Midjourney AI Prompts

Selling coloring books on platforms such as Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) is one of the best ways to earn passive income. Coloring books are still very popular today, and with tools such as Midjourney (MJ), anyone can create them. Creating a coloring book page manually can be time-consuming, especially if you’re looking to create intricate designs. However, with an AI coloring book generator, you can create pages in a matter of minutes, freeing up time for other creative pursuits.

Another perk to using an AI coloring book generator, is that they create high-quality coloring pages that are intricate and detailed. This level of detail is difficult to achieve manually, making AI a game-changer in the coloring book industry. Moreover, the AI-generated pages are consistent in quality, ensuring a uniform coloring experience.

Traditional coloring pages are often limited to pre-drawn images and patterns. With an AI coloring book generator, the possibilities are endless. The algorithm can create an infinite number of designs, each one unique and different from the last. This allows for a level of customization that was previously impossible. All you need to do is pick your niche and choose the right KDP coloring book keywords for your book to be found.

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Finding a Profitable Niche for Your Coloring Book

The coloring book industry has experienced a remarkable resurgence in recent years, with an increasing number of artists and authors joining the creative movement. However, in such a saturated market, finding your niche and identifying the right keywords for your coloring book is crucial to stand out, connect with your target audience, and achieve success.

If the niche you choose is oversaturated, your book will get lost in the millions of other books on Amazon, no matter how good it is. Similarly, if you aren’t targeting the right keywords in your title, subtitle, backend keywords, and descriptions… you likely won’t get found and your efforts will have been wasted. When I started doing proper keyword research, I went from making a few hundred dollars a month, to making a few thousand. Publisher Rocket and Book Beam are the two best tools to help you actually sell books.

The Two Best Tools to Help You Actually Sell Books

Publisher Rocket offers a range of benefits that are invaluable for authors in the competitive coloring book market. One of its primary advantages is the ease with which it enables authors to conduct comprehensive keyword research. By identifying the most relevant and high-demand keywords, authors can maximize their book’s discoverability and attract more potential buyers. Moreover, Publisher Rocket provides valuable insights into the competition, offering data on sales estimates, book categories, and pricing strategies. With a one-time payment for lifetime access, it easily pays for itself.

Similarly, Book Beam offers a host of benefits for authors and publishers navigating the competitive coloring book market. One of its standout features is the extensive keyword research capabilities it provides. By generating a massive list of relevant keywords, authors can optimize their book’s metadata, title, and description, thereby improving its discoverability and increasing the chances of reaching their target audience.

Book Beam goes beyond keyword research with its unique Niche Finder feature, which analyzes search volume and competition to help authors identify profitable niches. Additionally, Book Beam offers a range of premium features such as the Opt-In Page Builder, Trademark Checker, and Listing Optimizer. These features enable authors to build an email list, avoid trademark infringement issues, and optimize their book listings for maximum impact. While Book Beam may have a higher cost compared to other tools, its effectiveness in driving sales makes it a worthwhile investment for serious KDP authors. You can use the coupon code PASSIVEINCOMEAI50 for 50% off the first month if you choose the monthly plan.

Get 50% off your first month with Book Beam using code: Passiveincomeai50

Midjourney Coloring Page Prompts

So you’ve done your keyword research, and you’ve decided on a niche. Let’s say you wanted to design a coloring book for corgi lovers. Here are 11 Midjourney prompts to get you started. *Note: Each time you enter a prompt in MJ, you will get different results… so entering these exact prompts should yield similar results, but won’t be exactly the same.

PROMPT 1: /imagine: Corgi coloring page

AI coloring book generator prompt
Created in Midjourney

Oftentimes, entering a simple prompt will produce the best results. This is because MJ gets confused when you start adding in too many commands. So start simple, and tweak your prompt from there. The prompt, “corgi coloring page” is the simplest way to state what I was looking for. Sometimes, simple prompts like this can give you great results with a few re-rolls.

PROMPT 2: /imagine: simple line illustration of a corgi

AI coloring book generator prompt

Again, this is a very simple and straightforward prompt. I like to use this prompt when I have other elements that I can add to the page either from Canva or Creative Fabrica. Both sites offer free or paid elements that would pair perfectly with these illustrations. For example, I might include elements like the outline of a dog bone or dog paws. This fills up the coloring page and makes it more fun for your customers (which leads to better ratings).

/imagine prompt: line drawing of a corgi

AI coloring book generator prompt

Though the prompt “line drawing of…” or “… in the style of a line drawing” often produces great results… in this case, the corgis in V2, V3, and V4 are all shaded a bit too much to work for a coloring page in my opinion. V1 might work with a few more re-rolls to get different variations.

/imagine prompt: Corgi coloring page in the style of Pixar

You can add “in the style of _________” and insert any artist or company to produce results in a similar style. So have a look at coloring books you enjoyed as a kid. Who created them? Or think about styles from cartoons you may enjoy. Or you can add a couple of artists. The great thing about AI is that its algorithm can pull inspiration from anywhere and create something unique every time.

/imagine prompt: clean coloring book page of a corgi

AI coloring book generator prompt

Using the word “clean” in this prompt tends to produce images that are more defined. Adding more specific details in can help with the results even more. For example, “clean coloring book page of a corgi by a lake”.

/imagine prompt:black and white line drawing of a corgi

You may have noticed that in MJ when you are trying to create a coloring page, some of the results are fully or partially colored. Adding the phrase “black and white” can help remove any colors or colored pencils that may show up in your results.

/imagine prompt:coloring book image, line drawing of a corgi

If you like an image that MJ produces (for example the corgi in V3), but you don’t like the background of the image… you can re-roll using the “Remix” mode in MJ and add in “white background” to remove the flowers in this case.

/imagine prompt: coloring book style of a corgi, hand drawing

The “hand drawing” prompt can produce very clean lines for coloring pages. If you have elements that you don’t like (for example in V2, the 5 rectangles) you can use elements in Canva to cover them easily or continue to re-roll the image until you find a variation you prefer.

/imagine prompt:Coloring book page, Simplified lineart vector outline of a corgi in coloring page style, clean, white background

Vector images are typically created using software such as Adobe Illustrator, Inkscape, or CorelDraw and are mostly used for logo designs and illustrations. Cector images can be resized and manipulated without losing quality, making them suitable for use in a wide range of applications such as logo design, illustration, and typography. So MJ’s algorithm has a lot of inspiration it can draw from when you include “vector outline” to your prompt.

/imagine prompt: corgi at beach black and white in the style of a coloring book

Think about where your subject might be, such as in a park, at home, or even in space! In this instance, our corgi was visiting a beach. I find giving MJ a setting for my subject helps produce a more comprehensive coloring page. Alternatively, you can add your own elements to create your own setting. Though I often add elements to make my coloring books more fun and unique, I do find that MJ produces some really good backgrounds if you give it a setting or if you include props. For example, in the images below, I included “eating ice cream” to add a bit of variety to my coloring page.

/imagine prompt: cute corgi eating ice cream in the style of a coloring page

Adding adjectives like “cute” and “adorable” can help when trying to create a children’s coloring book. Describing your characters with well-thought-out adjectives can help with the theme of your coloring book. For example, consider the difference between “cute” vampires and “sexy” vampires. Use adjectives that will appeal to your audience. And for best results, keep the adjectives consistent throughout all of your prompts. For example “coloring page of a sexy vampire at the beach” and “coloring page of a sexy vampire eating ice cream”. This will help create a more cohesive theme throughout your coloring book.


An AI coloring book generator is a game-changer in the coloring book industry, offering a range of benefits that enhance the coloring experience. With increased creativity, improved quality, time-saving, accessibility, and cost-effectiveness, it’s no wonder that this technology is gaining popularity. Follow these tips to get started creating your own book that sells:

First make sure you have a profitable niche and you’ve done your keyword research

-Keep your prompts simple.

-Add variety to your coloring pages with elements from Canva or Creative Fabrica.

-Get inspiration from other artists or companies.

-Add the phrase “black and white” to remove any color or colored pencils from the results.

-Including “white background” will often produce results with your character isolated on a white background, which can make for a clean look.

-Add settings and props to make your coloring pages fun and unique.

Keep trying different prompts to see which prompt works best for you and the style you’re going for with your coloring book. Good luck and have fun!

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