Best Amazon Keyword Research Tool for KDP Free

In this post, we’ll dive into everything you need to know about BSR and keyword research. We’ll cover the basics of the best amazon keyword research tool for KDP, why it’s important for authors, and how you can use it to optimize your book listings for maximum sales.

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As an author, you’ve put a lot of time and effort into writing your book. But what good is all that hard work if no one can find your book on Amazon? That’s where Best Sellers Rank (BSR) and keyword research come in. By understanding Amazon KDP’s BSR metric and how to do proper keyword research, you can boost your book sales, increase your visibility on Amazon, and reach more readers than ever before.

What is KDP?

KDP, or Kindle Direct Publishing, is Amazon’s self-publishing platform. It allows authors to upload and sell their books directly to Amazon customers, without the need for a traditional publisher. With KDP, authors can earn up to 70% in royalties on their book sales, retain control over their book’s pricing and distribution, and access a wide range of marketing tools to promote their book on Amazon.

KDP is great because if you are consistent, you can really replace your full-time income. I was able to quit my job when I started selling coloring books on KDP. And now, it’s even easier with artificial intelligence. Check out our step-by-step guide to creating and selling coloring books with AI.

Author uploading book to KDP

What is Keyword Research?

Keyword research is the process of identifying and analyzing the words and phrases that people use to search for products on Amazon. By targeting the right keywords in your book’s title, description, and metadata, you can increase your book’s visibility in Amazon search results and attract more potential readers to your book page.

When you type a search term into Amazon’s search bar, it typically gives you about 10 suggestions. The free tool I use to do my KDP keyword research can provide 100+ suggestions.

Amazon KDP research tool

To get this tool, go to the Chrome extension web store and search for “Huge Amazon Search Suggestion Expander”. Then simply download the extension. Once you’ve got the extension installed you can use the tool in a few different ways:

Find a niche

From the expanded list of search options provided by the tool, go through and choose a few that seem interesting to you. Narrow down your search by looking for keywords that have less competition. I try to choose keywords that have 1,000 or less search results. Learn more about

Choose the Right Keywords

Start by researching the keywords that your target readers are using to search for books on Amazon. Look for keywords that are relevant to your book’s topic, have a high search volume, and have low competition. Use these keywords in your book’s title, description, and metadata to improve its visibility in Amazon search results.

Optimize Your Book Listing

Make sure your book’s listing is complete and optimized for Amazon’s search algorithm. This includes a clear and compelling book title, a well-written book description that includes your target keywords, and high-quality cover art that catches readers’ attention. Use the free chrome extension to find the keywords people are already searching for.

Promote Your Book

Keyword research is essential to ensure that your ads reach the right audience. You can select the most relevant and effective keywords from the tool and use them in your ad copy and targeting options. By targeting the right keywords, you can increase the visibility and relevance of your ads, which can lead to higher click-through rates and conversions.

Once you have your keywords narrowed down, it’s time to find out if they will be profitable. This is where BSR comes in.

What is BSR?

BSR, or Best Sellers Rank, is a metric used by Amazon to rank products based on their sales performance. For books, BSR is calculated based on the number of sales and downloads a book receives relative to other books in its category. A lower BSR indicates a higher sales rank, meaning the book is selling better than other books in its category. In other words, a book with a BSR of 20,000 is likely selling a few books a day… whereas a book with a BSR of 700,000 might only be selling one book a month.

BSR Amazon KDP research tool

KDP / Amazon BSR & Keyword Research SEO Tool

The KDP / Amazon BSR & Keyword Research SEO Tool is a free chrome extension that can help you with niche and keyword research for KDP and Amazon listings. It offers a variety of features, including average Amazon BSR calculation, average price calculation, and average reviews calculation.

It also provides a keyword/niche score calculation based on an algorithm that takes into account all listings on the first page, including the number of exact product results, prices, reviews, and individual BSRs. A niche score of 50+ is really good. It means people are interested in the niche but there’s less competition.

With this information, you can conduct thorough research and create targeted ad campaigns to help you compete and rank on page 1. The keyword niche score algorithm is updated regularly to ensure that it provides accurate and relevant data. By using this tool, you can save time and effort and make the publishing process with Kindle Direct Publishing much more efficient.

Monitor Your BSR

Once you’ve published your own book and you start making sales, it’s important to monitor your own BSR. Monitoring your BSR is crucial to staying ahead of the competition and making adjustments to your strategy when necessary. Use the KDP/Amazon BSR & Keyword Research SEO Tool to keep an eye on how your book is performing in its category. If you see a drop in your BSR, investigate and take action to improve your book’s visibility.

It’s also important to keep an eye on your competitors’ BSRs. Using the same tool, you can monitor the BSRs of books in your category that are similar to yours. If you see a competitor’s BSR improving, it may be time to adjust your strategy to stay competitive. You can use this information to optimize your book’s keywords, pricing, and advertising campaigns.


In conclusion, understanding how Amazon’s BSR and keyword research work is critical to the success of your book on Amazon. With the right tools and strategies, you can optimize your book’s listing, increase visibility, and ultimately boost sales. Make sure to conduct thorough keyword research, use relevant and specific keywords, and monitor your BSR regularly. You should also take advantage of the free chrome extensions mentioned to improve your book’s performance. Remember that success on Amazon requires consistency and refinement. But with the right approach, you can achieve your publishing goals and build a successful career as an author.

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