Best side hustle to do in retirement: Fun and Profitable

Retirement marks a new chapter in life—a time to relax, explore personal interests, and even pursue some exciting side hustles. Creating and selling medium content books, such as coloring books and activity books on Amazon KDP, can be the ideal side hustle to tap into your creativity, have fun, and earn extra income. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the world of medium content books and explore why they stand out as the best side hustle to do in retirement. New to Amazon KDP? Start here.

best side hustle to do in retirement- create and sell medium content books on amazon kdp

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What are medium content books?

When it comes to generating passive income on Amazon, medium content books offer a strategic and lucrative choice. Falling between low content books (e.g. simple lined-journals or notebooks) and high content books (e.g. novels), medium content books strike a perfect balance in terms of length and depth. They are also incredibly profitable due to having a slightly higher barrier to entry, making them a great way to MAKE PASSIVE INCOME ON AMAZON. Let’s take a look at some of the most popular (and profitable) examples:

  1. Coloring Books: Coloring books are a beloved form of medium content books, offering intricate illustrations and designs waiting to be filled with color. They cater to individuals of all ages, from children to adults, so there is a massive audience you can choose to cater your books to. Check out our step-by-step guide to creating coloring books.
  2. Activity Books: Activity books encompass a wide range of interactive elements designed to challenge and entertain readers. They can include puzzles like crosswords, Sudoku, brain teasers, and riddles, as well as educational activities, crafts, and games. Activity books are enjoyed by both children and adults, so again the options are limitless. I use Self Publishing Titans (SPT) Activity & Puzzle Tools Bundle to create all of my activity books.
  3. Combination Books: Some medium content books combine coloring and activities, offering a comprehensive experience that combines artistic expression with mental engagement. These books may include coloring pages intertwined with puzzles, quizzes, or other interactive features, catering to individuals who seek a multifaceted experience.
  4. How-to Guides: “How-to” guides are a popular and sought-after category of books on Amazon KDP. These guides provide step-by-step instructions, advice, and insights on various topics, enabling readers to learn new skills, tackle challenges, or pursue their interests. You can pull from your life experience to create a “how-to” guide. Consider previous job and hobbies that might make you an expert on a topic. Then you can use a platform like ChatGPT to write the outline for you.
Create 20 different puzzle and activity types with this tool

Why Choose Medium Content Books as Your Ideal Side Hustle?

Versatility and Wide Appeal:

Medium content books offer a unique advantage in terms of versatility and wide appeal. Unlike low content books that may have limited target audiences or high content books that require extensive storytelling, medium content books cater to a broad range of readers. Coloring books appeal to children and adults alike, providing a creative outlet and a relaxing pastime. Activity books, on the other hand, engage readers with puzzles, brain teasers, and interactive challenges, offering mental stimulation and entertainment. The versatility of medium content books allows you to tap into multiple demographics and capitalize on various interests.

Low Start-Up Costs:

Starting a side hustle doesn’t have to be financially burdensome. Medium content books require minimal initial investment, making them an accessible opportunity for retirees. With just a computer, some tools to design your books , and your imagination, you can embark on this fulfilling venture. Unlike other side hustles that may require substantial upfront costs for inventory or equipment, medium content books are created and published digitally, keeping expenses at a minimum.

Flexibility and Autonomy:

One of the key advantages of pursuing medium content books as a side hustle is the flexibility and autonomy it offers. As a retiree, you value the freedom to work on your own terms and at your own pace. With medium content books, you have the ability to set your own schedule, work from the comfort of your home, and work on projects that align with your interests. This level of flexibility allows you to strike a balance between your side hustle and your retirement lifestyle.

Passive Income Potential:

Medium content books have the potential to generate passive income, which can be particularly appealing during retirement. Once you have created and published your books on platforms like Amazon KDP, they are available for purchase 24/7 without requiring constant maintenance or active involvement. With Amazon’s print-on-demand service, books are printed and shipped only when orders are placed, eliminating the need for inventory management and reducing overhead costs. As your books gain visibility and positive reviews, they can continue to generate sales and income over time, providing a reliable passive income stream that complements your retirement finances. These simple coloring books are making thousands a month.

Amazon KDP: Empowering Your Side Hustle

When it comes to selling your medium content books, Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) stands out as the perfect platform. Here’s why Amazon KDP is the ideal avenue for your side hustle in retirement:

  1. Global Reach: Amazon is the largest online marketplace, providing you with a vast global audience. With a few simple steps, your books can reach readers around the world, allowing you to tap into a wide customer base.
  2. Print-on-Demand Convenience: Amazon KDP’s print-on-demand feature ensures that your books are printed only when a customer places an order. This eliminates the need for upfront inventory costs, storage concerns, and the hassle of managing physical stock.
  3. Royalty System: KDP offers a straightforward royalty system, enabling you to earn a percentage of each sale. You have control over pricing, giving you the opportunity to optimize your earnings while remaining competitive in the market.

Getting started with this side hustle

Define Your Niche and Target Audience:

Before diving into your side hustle of creating and selling medium content books, it’s important to define your niche and target audience. Skipping this step is the number one reason KDP businesses fail. Consider the genres, themes, or topics that you are passionate about and have expertise in. Research the market to identify trends, popular niches, and gaps you can fill with your unique perspective. When conducting your research, I would strongly recommend using a keyword research tool that is specifically for KDP. It’s important to find niches that aren’t oversaturated and that actually have customers wanting to buy.

Develop Your Content Creation Plan:

Creating medium content books requires careful planning and organization. Develop a content creation plan that outlines the types of books you want to create, the number of pages, and the overall structure. Check out your competition on Amazon. What are the best-sellers doing well? Determine whether you want to focus on coloring books, activity books, or a combination of both. Consider the age group you want to target and tailor your content accordingly. Break down your plan into manageable tasks and set realistic deadlines to keep yourself accountable and ensure a steady production flow.

Create Compelling Content:

The success of your side hustle relies heavily on the quality and appeal of your content (and also the competitiveness of your niche). Take the time to create compelling and engaging coloring pages, activities, puzzles, or challenges. Ensure that your designs are visually appealing, easy to understand, and offer a balance between creativity and functionality. Incorporate variety in your content to keep readers interested and coming back for more. Consider adding additional features like tips, instructions, or fun facts to enhance the reader experience and provide added value.

Publish Your Books:

Once you have created your medium content books, it’s time to publish and promote them on Amazon KDP. Sign up for a free account and follow the platform’s guidelines for formatting and uploading your content. Create enticing book descriptions, eye-catching covers, and relevant keywords to optimize your book’s visibility in search results. If you are using a keyword tool like Publisher Rocket or Book Beam, you can find low-competition keywords that will help boost your books’ discoverability. Learn more about how these tools can increase your profits. You can also leverage social media platforms to promote your books and connect with your target audience. Though that isn’t necessary to be successful. That’s it… you are now a published author and can sit back and enjoy the royalties. The simplicity of this side hustle is what makes it the best to do in retirement.

best side hustle to do in retirement


In conclusion, retirement opens up a new chapter in life filled with opportunities to relax and explore exciting side hustles. Creating and selling books offer retirees the perfect side hustle to tap into their creativity and earn extra income.

Medium content books stand out as an ideal side hustle for several reasons. First, they have a low start-up cost, requiring minimal initial investment and making them accessible for retirees. Second, they offer flexibility and autonomy, allowing retirees to work on their own terms and at their own pace. This aligns perfectly with the desire for a balanced retirement lifestyle. Third, medium content books have the potential to generate passive income, providing a reliable revenue stream that complements retirement finances. With print-on-demand services like Amazon KDP, books are available for purchase 24/7 without the need for constant maintenance or active involvement.

Getting started with this side hustle is easy. Retirees should define their niche and target audience, develop a content creation plan, and create compelling and engaging content. By publishing their books on Amazon KDP, retirees can enter the market as published authors and promote their books through book descriptions, eye-catching covers, relevant keywords, and social media platforms.

In summary, creating and selling medium content books on Amazon KDP is the best side hustle to do in retirement. They are fun and easy to create. And with Amazon KDP, you can have your first book listed for sale today!

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