How to Make Money with Amazon KDP

If you’re new to Amazon KDP, you’ve come to the right place! In this post, we’ll explain what Amazon KDP is and how you can use it to start making money online today. And the best part is, after the initial setup, you’ll continue to make money while you sleep. Amazon KDP is a great way to earn passive income.

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What is Amazon KDP?

First things first, what is Amazon KDP? Amazon KDP (Kindle Direct Publishing) is a self-publishing platform that allows authors to publish their own books and sell them on Amazon. However, it’s not just limited to traditional books. You can also sell journals, planners, workbooks, coloring books, and other types of content that people might find valuable. Check out our step-by-step guide to creating and selling coloring books with AI. And guess what? You don’t even have to write these books!

In fact, some people have found great success by selling books that they didn’t write themselves. For example, a designer could create a coloring book or journal and sell it on Amazon KDP. The possibilities are endless, and the potential to make money is huge. With the right niche, you can easily make a few thousand dollars a month.

How to Make Money with Amazon KDP

Find a Profitable Niche and Keywords

When it comes to selling books on KDP, conducting niche and keyword research is of paramount importance. You want to find a niche that has an underserved audience. And the only way to do that is to start with a broad niche and narrow it down. By targeting a niche, authors can tap into a focused and passionate readership, increasing the chances of their book being discovered and purchased.

Furthermore, keyword research enables authors to optimize their book’s visibility on KDP and other online platforms. By identifying relevant and high-demand keywords, authors can strategically incorporate them into their book title, subtitle, description, and metadata, enhancing the book’s discoverability through search engine algorithms. You want to find keywords with low competition. If you are competing for keywords in your titles with 10,000 other people… your book likely won’t be found.

Authors can greatly improve their book’s visibility, reach their target audience, and ultimately increase their sales on KDP with the right niche and keywords. Thus, conducting thorough niche and keyword research, is the number one factor in determining whether or not you’ll be successful. You can learn about the two best keyword research tool here.

Create a Book

Now, let’s talk about how to make money with Amazon KDP. The first step is to create a book! It can be fiction, non-fiction, coloring books, journals, or anything in between. It can be incredibly easy to create books with tools like Canva, Midjourney, and ChatGPT.

Format Your Book for Amazon KDP

Once you’ve written your book, you’ll need to format it for Amazon KDP. Formatting your book is an important step in the self-publishing process. Amazon provides free tools that can help you format your book correctly, which can save you time and money. The tools include templates for different types of books, such as novels, textbooks, and children’s books. They also provide guidelines for formatting your book’s content, such as fonts, margins, and spacing.

If you’re not comfortable with formatting your book yourself, you can hire a professional formatter to do it for you. This can be especially helpful if you’re publishing a complex book, such as a cookbook or a book with images. There are lots of people on Fiverr who can format your book for a reasonable price.

Create a Cover for Your Book

Next, you’ll need to create a cover for your book. You can hire a designer on Fiverr or create your own cover using free tools like Canva. The cover is important because it’s the first thing potential readers will see, so make sure it looks professional and eye-catching.

When designing your cover, it’s important to make sure it accurately represents your book’s content and style. You should also choose a title and subtitle that are clear and easy to read, and use high-quality images that are relevant to your book’s topic.

Upload Your Book to Amazon KDP

Uploading your book to Amazon KDP is the final step in the self-publishing process. Once your book is properly formatted and you have a great cover, you’re ready to upload it to the platform and start selling it to readers around the world.

To upload your book to Amazon KDP, you’ll need to create an account and log in to the KDP dashboard. From there, you’ll be guided through the upload process, which includes adding your book’s title, author name, description, and keywords. You’ll also need to set the price for your book, which can be based on Amazon’s suggested price or a price of your own choosing.

Once you’ve uploaded your book, it will go through a review process to ensure that it meets Amazon’s content guidelines. This can take up to 72 hours, but in most cases, it’s much faster. Once your book is approved, it will be available for purchase on Amazon, and you’ll start earning royalties on every sale.

It’s important to regularly check your book’s sales dashboard on Amazon KDP to track your earnings and see how your book is performing. You can also use marketing tools like Amazon’s advertising program or social media to promote your book and increase sales.

Make money with amazon kdp

How Much Money Can You Make with Amazon KDP?

The amount of money you can make with Amazon KDP depends on several factors, including the price of your book, the royalty rate you choose, and the number of sales your book generates. However, many self-published authors have been able to earn a significant income from selling their books on Amazon KDP. I was able to quit my full-time job when I started selling coloring books on KDP.

It’s also important to note that Amazon KDP offers various promotional tools to help authors increase their book’s visibility and sales, such as A+ Content, Kindle Countdown Deals and Free Book Promotions. By utilizing these tools and effectively marketing your book, you can potentially increase your earnings and reach a wider audience.

how much someone can make with amazon kdp


In conclusion, Amazon KDP is a fantastic platform for self-published authors to share their work with a global audience and earn a steady income. By following the steps outlined in this post, you can successfully publish your book on Amazon KDP and potentially earn a significant amount of money.

Finding a profitable niche and competitive keywords, creating a visually appealing cover, and pricing your book strategically are all important factors in maximizing your book’s sales and royalties. Additionally, utilizing Amazon KDP’s promotional tools and effectively marketing your book can help you reach a wider audience and increase your earnings.

While success is never guaranteed, many self-published authors have been able to achieve their goals and earn a living through Amazon KDP. So, if you’re passionate about creating books and want to share your work with the world, consider publishing your book on Amazon KDP and start your journey as a self-published author today.

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