Selling coloring books on KDP is a great way to generate passive income. KDP allows you to easily publish and sell your book on one of the world’s largest online marketplaces. Once you’ve created your book, and set up your KDP account, it will be available for purchase by millions of customers worldwide. Because your book is available for purchase 24/7, you have the potential to make sales and earn royalties while you sleep! And with the help of AI tools, such as Midjourney, it’s never been easier. See our step-by-step guide to creating and selling coloring books with AI.

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coloring books on kdp with Midjourney
Coloring page designed using Midjourney

Coloring books on KDP have seen a surge in popularity in recent years, and it’s no surprise why. Not only are they a fun and low-cost activity, but they have also been shown to have stress-relieving benefits. Coloring is a form of mindfulness, as it requires focus and attention in the present moment. As a result, coloring can help to clear the mind and bring a sense of calm. And with today’s ever-increasing demands, it’s the perfect activity for someone looking to relax after a hectic day’s work.

When Covid hit, more and more people realized the importance of their mental health and the need to have interests that help them slow down a bit. Parents also were able to slow down and spend more time with their kids. They got to see firsthand how beneficial coloring can be for children as well. It can improve a child’s fine motor skills, enhance problem-solving abilities, and encourage creativity. During the first few lockdowns, coloring book sales experienced a huge surge. But with the restrictions of Covid easing up and people returning to the office, are coloring books still profitable?

coloring books on kdp

Can you still make money selling COLORING BOOKS in 2023?

In short, yes! Coloring books on KDP are still a popular seller for a variety of reasons. First and foremost, coloring books are a relatively low-cost item that can provide hours of entertainment. They are an easy and affordable option for people looking for activities to do at home. And due to the increase in independent publishers (like yourself), there such a wide variety of options to choose from. Outdoor activities, pets, mindfulness, historical figures, or vampire zombies… Whatever niche you can think of, there’s likely an audience that will be interested. All you have to do is find a profitable niche.

.Lastly, the ease of purchasing online through platforms like Amazon has made coloring books even more accessible. With just a few clicks, customers can have a coloring book delivered directly to their door. So yeah, coloring books can definitely still be a great way to earn passive income.


Let’s take a look at a few coloring books published recently:

coloring books on kdp
*Note: I am not affiliated with any of these coloring books.

The above coloring books have all been published independently within the last few months. To determine how much someone earned from a book, we need to look at the Best-Sellers Rank (BSR). The lower the number, the more profitable the book. Keyword tools like Publisher Rocket and Book Beam allow you to spy on your competition and see their BSR.

Once you have the BSR, we can use a free KDP BSR Sales Calculator to estimate how profitable a book is. You simply enter the BSR number and choose the country you’d like the data for (I usually keep it on US).

BSR Sales calculator to identify how profitable a book is

At the time of writing (2 months after the book was published), this book sold 1,419 copies. There are two types of royalties on KDP – 60% is the standard royalty (if someone purchases directly from Amazon- most common) or 40% for expanded distribution (if a third party purchases the book to sell- think drop shipping or big box stores like Walmart). As most sales come straight from Amazon, it’s very likely this person received the 60% royalty for the 1,419 books they sold. So this 66-page book has made the creator approximately $5,500 in two months. Not bad for one book! Let’s take a look at another example.

BSR Sales calculator to identify how profitable a book is

This 131-page book, published October 29th, 2022, has likely made the creator roughly $7,000. This book sells roughly 60 copies each day. And it will almost certainly continue to sell considering it’s positive reviews; resulting in a great stream of passive income for the author. The two examples above are for children’s books. Let’s have a look at a book geared towards adults now.

BSR Sales calculator to identify how profitable a book is

With a BSR of 31,203, this book would have brought in approximately $1,000. Not bad for being only being live for one month (at the time of this writing). One thing to note here is the date of publication, right before Christmas. Quarter 4 (Q4), which starts on Oct. 1 and ends on Dec. 31, is the most profitable time of the year. So you want to aim to have your books published by October 1st to not only take advantage of the full quarter… but it takes Amazon’s algorithm a few weeks to fully understand which audience they need to put your book in front of. So had this person published this book sooner, they likely would have made much more money. Still, $1,000 for one book is nothing to scoff at.


Now with any business, it’s important to go into it with realistic expectations. If you are looking for a get-rich-quick scheme, Amazon KDP is not for you. It takes time and effort to build your KDP business. Note that I used the word business here. Having the mindset that this is a small business will help keep things in perspective. In general, it takes 3-4 years for a brick-and-mortar business to be profitable because of their high start-up costs. Fortunately, with a KDP business, you can be profitable much sooner… but it still may take some time. And just like with any other business, you may have some start-up costs, though this online business does have far less upfront costs (and you can even get started for free).

How to create your first coloring book

Creating a coloring book to sell on Amazon KDP can be a profitable venture with the help of Midjourney and Canva. Below is a brief overview of how to do it. Or check out our step-by-step guide to create and publish your first coloring book today.

Firstly, it’s important to find a profitable niche by conducting niche and keyword research. This is the number one thing I have found that separates authors who make thousands a month, from those who struggle to make any sales. Keyword tools like Publisher Rocket and Book Beam can really accelerate your KDP business. They help you target a specific audience and stand out from the competition. Not sure which tool is right for you? Read our comparison here.

Once you have your niche, you can move on to creating your coloring pages using Midjourney. With simple prompts and the option to create them in “relax mode”, Midjourney makes it easy to generate UNLIMITED coloring pages. Check out these 11 easy Midjourney coloring book prompts to get started.

Next, you can use Canva to format the interior of your coloring book. Determine the size of the pages based on popular books in your niche, and then create a new design in Canva with custom dimensions. If you aren’t sure how to do this, see our comprehensive guide to creating coloring books. Then upload your Midjourney images and arrange them on the pages. You can also add text, prompts, and additional elements to enhance the coloring experience. Once you’re satisfied with the design, download the coloring pages as a PDF file.

For the cover of your coloring book, you will need to use Canva Pro in order to download the file in CMYK profile. Canva offers a 30-day free trial. Alternatively, you can hire a freelancer on Fiverr to create a professional and eye-catching design. Determine the dimensions of your cover using the KDP Cover Calculator, and download the template. Create a new design in Canva with the template dimensions and upload the PDF template to ensure proper positioning of elements. Design the cover with attention to colors, fonts, and visuals that appeal to your target audience. Finally, download the cover as a PDF with CMYK color profile for optimal printing quality. With your interior and cover ready, you can proceed to publish and sell your coloring book on Amazon KDP.




In conclusion, selling coloring books on KDP continues to be a profitable venture in 2023. The popularity of coloring books, combined with their affordability and stress-relieving benefits, has led to a sustained demand in the market. The accessibility of online platforms like Amazon has made it easier than ever for customers to purchase coloring books, contributing to their ongoing success.

With the right niche, independent authors can generate substantial passive income within a short period. The sales of these books indicate that with proper research, competitor analysis, and effective promotion, it is possible to earn thousands of dollars each month.

However, it is important to approach KDP coloring book publishing with a realistic mindset. Building a successful KDP business takes time, effort, and a long-term perspective. Treating it as a small business venture allows authors to understand that profitability may not come overnight but with persistence and dedication, you will get there!

Conducting thorough niche and keyword research is crucial. Tools like Publisher Rocket and Book Beam can help target specific audiences and set you apart from your competitors. The use of AI tools like Midjourney simplifies the creation of unlimited coloring pages, while Canva aids in formatting the interior and designing attractive covers.

With the right strategies and tools at your disposal, selling coloring books on KDP remains a viable and potentially lucrative source of passive income. So, if you have a passion for creativity, enjoy the process of designing coloring pages, and are willing to invest the necessary time and effort, now is a great time to dive into the world of KDP coloring book publishing.

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